بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
This wing of my website is geared towards bettering the imam, and thus the Muslim community, in every way possible. I hope to have many articles, videos, book reviews etc., from myself and others that I recommend, that serve to assist the imam and the Muslim communities in relationship to the imam in multiple ways.
As an Islamic studies student in the Islamic University of Medinah, I was privileged to have occasional meetings with those involved in da’wah today. Over and over again, the message was loud and clear: do NOT become an imam and “live at the mercy of the people’s sadaqah” or be “owned” by an immature apathetic board.
It’s no secret that the role of an imam among a Muslim minority like America is completely different from the masjid imam‘s extremely limited and restricted role in Muslim majority countries. And the smaller the city in America, the more roles the imam may have to assume, since professionally licensed Muslim counselors may not be available, nor may there be anyone else qualified to teach Quran recitation, or nurture new Muslims, or handle media interviews, engage in interfaith dialogue or visit Muslims in prison, nor may the community be able to hire even a part-time youth leader or assistant khatib. Add to that, instead of the respect that imams deserve for balancing out all these activities, they are employed by individuals that have only a minuscule understanding and appreciation of Islamic studies and the offices of masjid and Muslim leadership. This is in addition of course to being a faqeeh, an historian, a mufassir, and a muhaddith as might be expected of the imam.
Is there any time to visit the sick or write khutab or even be a good son, father and husband to your family in the midst? It’s no wonder so many once-inspired imams are burnt out after a single year or five years at most, at the helm.
His role compared to the masjid is much like the role of Muslim scholars abroad with their governments. Comply or risk everything. No doubt, the plight of imams in America is very real, and for that reason, the demand for them is growing, but the supply seems shrinking. This is the effect of an unhealthy market, where supply and demand go out of whack. And it continues in spite of the ‘izzah and haibah that many laymen may see their imams with and du’aat experience upon travel to other masjids. Yet at the same time, the feeling most Muslims, especially first generation immigrants, were any of their children to desire to follow the path of Islamic knowledge, is abysmal at best. You want to do what with your life!? Forgetting the station and potential that imams have here in America that they don’t have abroad. This is a different setting and times have changed alhamdulillah, and continue changing for the better.
And then there are communities without any professionally trained scholars or students. Men among their own may volunteer on a weekly basis to give the Friday sermon and fulfill other necessary capacities, or an aspiring student may be employed. They need a resource, a guide. Should they borrow from Christian resources about being a pastor, building your church, shepherding the youth, etc.? Resources by and for Muslims are still limited in these areas.
It is with all these feelings that I dedicate this corner of my website to the imam and those concerned about the imam. Veterans and novices alike.
If this wing of “chriscaras.com” proves to be as beneficial as hoped, we may add a forum for imams to network with each other, or even create a whole different website for this purpose. It is my ultimate goal, and mission one could say, to see the creation of a regional or even nationwide organization that oversees the recruitment and employment of imams, specifying standards, salaries, and job descriptions, all being funded by masjid membership. This would liberate imams from the feeling of enslavement to their respective masjid. It would likewise liberate masjids from the feeling that the imam is a burden upon their resources, and give them an appropriate avenue to follow in case of disputes. It would also foster within them the feeling that they are directly contributing towards the employment of dozens or even hundreds of imams, and what a reward from Allah that would be!
Jazaakum-Allahu khairan
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