Islam: Tradition & Perspective
This website was first created in October 2014 to provide the most practical outlet for one particular student of Islamic knowledge to disseminate his personal writings regarding Islamic tradition and personal perspectives on various Islamic-related issues.
I first answered the call to seek Islamic knowledge when I was a sophomore student at Knox College in November 2004. I was alone, reclining under the light of a desk lamp as the rest of campus partied late into the night. As I read through several Prophetic narrations about the importance and virtues of knowledge in the abridged Sahîh al-Bukhâri, and signs of the Day of Resurrection’s nearness, that knowledge would be little on earth due to the deaths of its bearers, while ignorance, intoxicants and fornication would become trivial and public, I felt as close and ready to heed Allah’s Call as I felt when I first started reading the Qur’ân and ultimately accepted Islam in October 2001. Since then I have been on a most fantastic ride, and Allah has blessed and favored me in ways I never would have planned. All praise is to Allah, Lord of all creation.
{وَإِن تَعُدُّوا نِعْمَةَ اللَّـهِ لَا تُحْصُوهَا ۗ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ} ﴿١٨﴾ سورة النحل
“And if you were to count the blessings of Allah, you could never number them. Truly, Allah is the Oft-Forgiving, Merciful”
As a concerned Muslim, I have had a passion to address certain issues or fill certain gaps I see in the body of Islamic knowledge available for English-speaking Muslims. And on another hand, juggling introversion with the need to assist those who approach me, I find I can only answer or discuss a matter intelligently if I have pondered and written about it before. Rather than stingily holding on to these writings until they succumb to obliteration by hiccups in Cloud technology, failed HD backups or incompatibility with newer software, I feel the urgency to get it out there. Yet book reading is immensely unpopular these days. Even among students of knowledge, finding a peer to review a hundred pages here or there is like looking for volunteers to test new root canal techniques. Hence, the idea of having a personal website to serve as a source for my words, edited and ready to see and be seen by the world for their digestion and unflattering critique, seemed the only practical way.
While some of my content may be similar to that found on other blogs and sites, I hope to fill various vacuums with respect to other kinds of material, specifically in the field of directing new Muslims. And it is with that sort of material that this website will begin with.
The Arabic section will also contain inshâ’Allah, free video tutorials of Quranic Arabic, all a layman would ever need to know. I know what it’s like to be in need of knowledge and not have a penny for it–I still know what that’s like, lol, which is why I’m making this offer. But I warn you never to belittle knowledge. Some offers do not remain forever. It is your word that let’s me know if it’s worth the effort.
The section of Islam, for non-Muslims will address the typical issues addressed and presented to non-Muslims, briefly explaining Islam, Allah , the Qur’ân, Muhammad
, and a myriad of misconceptions, as well as dealing with some of the claims of islamophobes and critics.
The imam‘s corner is specifically catered to imams and callers to Islam, the veterans and the aspiring alike. For each is something that will benefit them in a roundabout way insha’Allah.
The History section will feature a brief tour of the history of Islam from the birth of our Prophet Muhammad till present day. I believe we Muslims need to understand how we came to where we are today. Some of it is awesome and inspiring while other parts are shameful and repugnant. It is up to you to decide which example you’ll follow, and what kind of example you’ll make for your children and the next generation to look back on.
The Fiqh, Hadeeth and Tafseer sections will eventually inshâ’Allah, be surveys of those subjects. I hope to be able to populate those sections after I finish my masters and assume the responsibilities of masjid imâmate, or whatever Allah sees fit for me in His Great Plan for His creatures.
As for the ‘Aqeedah section, then I intend to populate this with a long series of PDFs in advanced Islamic theological studies. I hope to cover every ‘aqeedah topic ever discussed and produce a virtual encyclopedia or fat textbook’s worth of materials in ‘aqeedah studies for the student of knowledge who wants the benefits of studying in the college of ‘aqeedah, while they obtain their degree elsewhere. I generally do not teach ‘aqeedah as a separate subject in the masjid except to new Muslims, so any videos I post will be directed to that audience. However, I believe an impenetrable fortress of ‘aqeedah is fitting for every student of knowledge that seeks to embark on tafseer and hadeeth studies so as not to be taken for a ride by authors of different persuasions.
Lastly, I encourage all visitors, new and old to the faith, to see the introductory videos [that will be] posted in the sections of hadeeth studies, Quranic studies, and Usûl-al-fiqh. These videos and their material constitute my “educated Muslim” series, meant to give a tour of how our faith works backstage, i.e. what do scholars of Islam do in order for Islam to be presented to us in the way that it is. Vital to understand.
Finally, I ask Allah to make my intention wholeheartedly for His Pleasure, and to Accept my efforts and bless me in them, and make them a blessing and a guide for others beyond me, that somewhere from these efforts good may come that will ransom me from the Fire and admit me to His Mercy. I ask Allah to bless my time and life and wealth so that it be spent in His Pleasure and these goals be accomplished and that greater needs and building be addressed after them. Amen.
Seek reward from Allah by assisting a student and propagator of Islamic knowledge
I have been blessed by Allah that He has enabled me to learn and accomplish many things in my short life. Yet this has not come without incurring a student’s debt, not only to thank Allah and spread the knowledge I continue to gain, but also to other individuals that have helped, and continue to help me by the Will of Allah. Amid all the causes I can think of that need financial support in the Muslim world, I see that of my own in a humble light. If you find the content beneficial for the Ummah and want to support its producer and encourage us further, consider the donation option in the sidebar. This is a zakât eligible cause, although I’m not registered in any way to provide tax deductions for your donations. This is entirely between you and Allah, and He is the best of those who reward.
From Anas ibn Mâlik who said: there were two brothers at the time of the Prophet
. One of them would come to the Prophet [to learn], whereas the other one would seek his sustenance by working. So the one who used to earn by work complained to the Prophet
about his brother. The Prophet
replied, “it is possible that you are provided your rizq because of him!” [Tirmithi, al-Haakim; sahih by Al-Albani, Hakim, Adh-dhahabi] and in another narration, the brother said, “O Messenger of Allah! My brother does not help me at all!” So the Prophet
“But it is possible that you are provided your rizq because of him!” [ibn abdul-barr, jaami’ bayaan al-ilm wa fadlihi #121].
Mulla ‘Ali Qari explained the Prophet’s statement: “meaning, I hope, or I fear that you are given sustenance because of his blessings, and not that he is being fed due to your efforts, so do not consider it a favor to him that you feed him (rather it is a favor to you).” [mirqat al-mafaatih].
And Al-Ghazaali wrote: “(the one desiring to give charity) should seek out people that will be purified with his charity, such as people of knowledge, because this will help them to study. And seeking knowledge is the most noble act of worship, if the intentions are sincere. Ibn al-Mubaarak would only give his charity to people of knowledge. He was asked, ‘why do you not broaden (your charity to other people)?’ So he responded, ‘I don’t know any station, after the station of prophethood, that is more noble that the station of the scholars. So, if one of them is restrained by (not being able to) provide for himself, then he will not have any time for knowledge, nor will he teach others. So to provide them time to study and teach is better (than giving it to others).'” [Tafsir al-Qaasimee]
The above quotes and their references have been extracted from Yasir Qadhi’s 15 Ways to Increase Earnings with Proofs from the Quran and Sunnah which may be found here.
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