September 26, 2015 0 A Brief History of the Muslims Ever wish you could learn the most condensed version of Muslim history, just the most basic need-to-know stuff? That’s [...]
September 24, 2015 0 About your new Religion and the Five Pillars Islam, submission to the Will of God, is your religion… Before I considered Islam, the only things I knew about it was [...]
September 19, 2015 0 Keeping faith elevated for the long term Your level of faith increases and decreases… Sometimes you will feel great strength in faith, other times you may not feel [...]
September 11, 2015 0 Understanding your Local Muslim Community A common mistake we make is assuming, just like many non-Muslims do, that every Muslim is representing their religion and [...]
September 11, 2015 0 Never turn away from the Muslim Community… As a revert, you need all the peer help you can get. Consider your faith akin to a hospital IV, literally linked to the [...]
September 11, 2015 0 I Love Islam, but my Husband… Okay, so you’re a married woman, or maybe you’re about to marry, and you’ve accepted Islam or would like to, but you [...]
August 28, 2015 0 An Introduction to Fiqh and its History فِقْهٌ The word “fiqh” linguistically means “understanding” and that is how it was used by the Prophet [...]
August 23, 2015 2 Should you Adopt a Muslim Name OR To each, his own? NOTE: I would be grateful if revert Muslims reading this article either commented or contacted me personally to explain [...]
January 13, 2015 0 Lesson 1 – Introduction & Determinants of a Word’s Contextual Meaning Learning to understand the Quran in its one and only language is one of the greatest and most fulfilling acts of worship a [...]
January 12, 2015 0 Visiting or Migrating to a Muslim Country Moving to a Muslim majority country is generally recommended because it should provide the believer greater freedom to [...]